Economy/General - Page 4

A Series Of Next Normals

Looking for the next normal, but what if there isn't one?

Quarterly Review - Fourth Quarter, 2021

Short descriptions of the contexts and dynamics communicated in the fourth quarter, 2021.

Peak FOMO, Really?

The sheer quantity of capital, not the economy, will move investment markets in the months ahead.

New Labor Getting Things Done

The labor shortage is little understood because the causes are numerous and complex. Automation will be one long-term response.

Risk Assessments: Climate Change's Networked Effects

While some of climate change’s networked effects are still theoretical, the impacts of global warming are already being felt in numerous areas.

It's Not The Cryptos (Presentation)

It's the ripple effects of collateral transactions that matter.

It's Not the Cryptos

It's the ripple effects of collateral transactions that matter.

Quarterly Review - Third Quarter, 2021

Short descriptions of the contexts and dynamics communicated in the third quarter, 2021.

What's Wrong With Society's Risk Assessments? Part II

Converging risks, rising costs and risk washing.

What's Wrong With Society's Risk Assessments? Part I

Risks are converging and costs are rising.

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