
Our team has received notable attention in the media for our unique inference reading process which has consistently led to the ability to detect change, early and accurately, to the benefit of our clients. Read what the media has said about us.

Changing the way

Changing The Way You Look At Things

The Suit Magazine

by Diane Alter

Many people have grandiose visions of changing in the world. In reality, the world changes on its own accord every second. Making sense of the constant changes and the impact they have on people, places and things is unquestionably a daunting task. But not for Inferential Focus. This New York City based firm, in business for more than three decades, not only makes sense of the plethora of continuous changes, it also expertly explains them in ways that help scores of clients make better investment decisions. read more

Unaddressed Consequences

Unaddressed Consequences

Wall Street Lawyer

by Charles Hess and Ken Hey

What gives? More to the point, what unforeseen risks lurk where human perspectives on reality are blinded by inaccurate human beliefs? What are the unanticipated and unaddressed risks, legal and financial, that can result when humans, who cannot effectively manage the flood of information their machines are generating, nonetheless believe they are in control? Plenty, as it turns out. read more

One on One

One on One with Charles J . Hess

by Brooke Southall

Q. How do your reports differ from those of your competitors?
A. A lot of research organizations ask people things, and they respond to the responses. So they'll do polls, they'll do surveys, they'll go to corporate management, ask them what's going on, what their earnings projects are, and work off of that. That, to us, is processed information. So we go back to the raw information, which is something that we can rely on. Actions speak louder than words. read more

making sense of the worlds symptoms


Making Sense of the World's Symptoms

by Sandra Ward

If change is afoot somewhere in the world, it's likely that Hess and his associates at Inferential Focus in Manhattan have detected it. Started nearly 30 years ago with co-founder Bennett Goodspeed, author of the The Tao Jones Averages, Inferential Focus is committed to detecting subtle shifts in behavior and trends across a broad spectrum of disciplines that often result in major investment and marketing themes. Its client list is an elite group of financial institutions, hedge funds and multinational corporations eager to gain a strategic advantage. read more

Investing During a Pandemic

Independent Research Forum

Investing During a Pandemic & China Coming Out of the Pandemic

Podcast with David Osman

A conversation with Charles Hess about China’s strategy over the next five years and Beijing’s development plans.

Listen to the Podcast
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