Americans and Europeans seem to be celebrating the end of their encounter with SARS-CoV-2. Yet the medical community has suggested that, while COVID-19-enervated individuals might need a well-deserved respite, another variant, perhaps weaker or perhaps stronger, is likely waiting in the wings. Whether another wave of infections is coming, even if it does not require masks or quarantines, society and the economy still have large and stressful problems that need to be addressed before they can reach anything like what might be called normal. We have aggregated these problems into three categories: COVID-Induced Issues, Pandemic Distortions and Ongoing Cultural Shifts. Because of the many layers of troubles within these categories, we do not anticipate a “return to normal,” nor do we foresee a “new normal.” Rather, we see a series of Next Normals, each one providing a respite but each one leading into another round of challenges that require solutions.