The term “global levels of capital” has come to mean the amount of money needed to make things happen internationally, to move actions beyond one’s own borders and to attract alliances and cooperation worldwide. China has that level of capital available, and Beijing, as well as Chinese companies such as Alibaba and Tencent, is putting its global levels of money to use. First, Chinese corporations are making their moves into new markets around the world, and that means new markets geographically as well as new markets commercially; second, China has been making moves into roughly 70 countries through its massive Silk Road Project; third, Beijing is working hard at expanding relationships with the countries of the world; and fourth, China has launched an effort to build a globalized electricity grid, and it has already spent prolifically on purchasing shares of electricity providers worldwide. As the United States is retreating from foreign obligations and pulling back from international leadership, China is becoming more assertive in pushing forward its international agenda.