Three global powers – China, Russia and the United States – are focusing intensely on very different things. Essentially, the leader of each country has decided what his country’s strengths are and is attempting to exploit those strengths to realize his goals. Chinese President Xi Jinping has identified his country’s strengths as its production capabilities and financial wherewithal, and China is focusing those strengths on developing economies along the new Silk Road. Russian President Vladimir Putin has identified his country’s strengths as its military capabilities and energy resources, and Russia is deploying those strengths to expand geo-political reach and influence. U.S. President Donald Trump has identified his country’s strength as it s“greatness,” which is faltering because of domestic issues, which is his focus. How will these different strategies play out, and which one(s) will be most successful? Right now, the balance scales of geo-economic and geopolitical growth favor the internationalists.