For much of the Internet’s history, a surefire way to attract engagement was to provide usefulness and offer good entertainment. Lately, we have noticed combinations of the useful/ entertaining dynamic in two categories we called Game Ready and Virtually Engaged. By Game Ready, we mean the appeal of online games and the skills and perspectives they teach, most of which are seeping out from the gaming world and finding their way into the physical world. By Virtually Engaged, we are referencing the dynamic between online “influencers” and their followers and the way posting photographs of personal experiences, and thus collecting experiences, has become a curious substitute for acquiring wealth and conspicuous consumption. Game Ready enables players to retreat into anonymity, while Virtually Engaged enables its users to become involved in deep social interaction…mediated by technology. More and more individuals are using technology to protect themselves from interpersonal stresses and embarrassments and at the same time spread their images everywhere to further their status. The psychological consequences of this yin-yang split are not yet understood.