In 2015, Adam Sandler released the first of his four films created specifically for Netflix.One movie, The Ridiculous Six, scored zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes and, at least according to one critic, was “frequently unwatchable.” The Netflix audience apparently disagreed with the critics, or didn’t care, as Sandler’s movie was the most-viewed film on Netflix in its first month after release. Netflix subsequently gave the comedian a deal for another series of films and said since December 2015 its members have spent more than 500 million hours watching Sandler’s movies, an average of five hours of Sandler per subscriber. Over the past 12 months, Sandler has made an estimated $50.5 million, mostly stemming from his Netflix deal. The actor’s massive success on the streaming service, despite horrible reviews, illustrates one of the ways that streaming video is creating its own reality and economic environment. While streaming videos has already had numerous effects on the television industry, their impact on Hollywood and the movie business appears to be only just beginning.