Technology has opened the opportunity for individuals and companies to stream the content they have created. Some of those content providers are highly paid professionals, such as Steven Spielberg, and many more are amateurs or influencers and commentators who create their own programs or channels on streaming networks. Streaming numbers are mounting for everyone and everything, from users to content providers and from streaming platforms to advertisers. The initial enablers are the data centers sprinkled around the world with tremendous storage and processing capabilities. These so-called cloud operations make it possible for nearly any device,especially mobile ones that lack massive processing power, to do things that require massive processing power. One of the beneficiaries of this technology is the entire streaming enterprise, from on-demand to live action. More critically, streaming, with its low barriers of entry, is forcing changes in the form content takes and in the places it can be accessed. As a result, the deluge of streaming and the spreading appeal of new forms of content have given a boost to mobile-devices-first media market.