Assessing risk has never been easy, but lately society seems to be on a tear of outright ignoring risk, by rejecting vaccines, elevating curious assets, ignoring climate changes and disregarding digital risks. What people pay attention to versus what they need to know is creating a chasm of misunderstanding about where society is. Even though the spreading availability of vaccines has many people getting prepared for the end of the pandemic, what scientists actually know about the virus and its effects still calls for caution. While fortunes have been made in the rapid escalation in the value of assets over the past year or so, what risks lurk behind that good news might encourage many to rethink their stand on investments. Even as society is turning to alternative ways of producing electricity and increasing the manufacture of electric vehicles, the costs to the environment as well as the price tag for the required updating of electricity distribution networks would seem to warrant a wider look at the tension between energy and the environment. “Bright shiny objects,” our termfor the “noise” that surrounds and envelops the information environment, are making it more difficult to assess risk in the current conditions, even as a need for an accurate assessment of risk is becoming more and more critical.