Two strikingly similar quotes from leaders with different styles recently caught our attention. The first, from late September was: “Think about it: The way we eat, the way we consume energy, the way we produce our food, the way we commute to work will need to be completely rearranged.…Humankind can no longer afford to ignore the repeated warnings of nature.” The second quote came later, in October. “Science tells us, every day with more precision, that urgent action is needed – and I am not dramatizing, this is what science says – if we are to keep the hope of avoiding radical and catastrophic climate change. And for this, we must act now. This is a scientific fact. The current economic system is unsustainable. We are faced with the moral imperative, and the practical urgency, to rethink many things: The way we produce; the way we consume; our culture of waste; our short-term vision; the exploitation of the poor and our indifference towards them; the growing inequalities and our dependence on harmful energy sources.” The first quote is from President Xi in China and the second is from Pope Francis, and together they reflect the growing recognition by leaders in governments, religious institutions,corporations and the investment world that attitudes and actions must change quickly if we are to successfully address environmental problems. While talk is cheap, as the saying goes, the facts and events below suggest that this type of global attitude shift has already started to manifest in actions and investments made in order to mitigate the effects of climate change.