Women: Stronger Together

Women: Stronger Together

The Women’s March in Washington and across the country; the women-led opposition to the healthcare bill, eventually killed by the only two female Republican Senators; a female superhero movie, with a female director, near the top of the box office; women around the world sharing their tales of sexual harassment on social media using the hashtag #metoo. All of these women-led efforts suggest a cultural change. In a January 2016 inFocus, we wrote about the ways in which many groups were beginning to frame challenging political, economic and social issues as “Us vs. Them” conflicts. In a recent survey, 59 percent of all respondents said, “the current social divisiveness” is a cause of stress. Women have reported an increase in stress since 2016, while men have reported a slight decline, according to the American Psychological Association. In 2017, the events above, along with many others, have illustrated the ways many women have responded to this divisive environment – by banding together to support one another and to enact change, in hopes of creating a different environment. Women are now getting together politically, socially, in the financial and investing world, in the labor market and elsewhere to support other women. If this movement continues, it will have political implications, as well as implications for products, services and marketing messages

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